What is Thanos main idea message in endgame?

In doing so, Thanos believes he's achieved his goal, a universe free of suffering. His reasoning is simple: on a planet with too many people and limited resources, the survivors have more than they need, solving the world's problems.

What is Thanos main idea message?

Thanos' goal is to eliminate half the life in the universe using the stones' incredible power, but he doesn't do that for no reason. Thanos believes that the only way to save the universe is to thin out the life in it, to eliminate conflict for resources that would otherwise lead to death and suffering.

What did Thanos want in endgame?

Thanos was a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose objective was to bring stability to the universe by wiping out half of all life at every level, as he believed its massive population would inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and perish.

What is the main lesson in Avengers endgame?

The lesson we learned from the Tony Stark/Avengers story is to always check on your friends, especially those whom you perceive as the strongest. Those are the ones who may need it most. You see this need for your strongest friends to be checked on several times throughout Avengers Endgame.

What is Thanos famous line?

2 "I Am Inevitable."

Perhaps one of the most famous quotes in Endgame, this line made fans freak out when they thought Thanos had won yet again.

What Nobody Realized About This Thanos Scene In Avengers Endgame

What was Thanos last words in endgame?

Indeed, during the time heist, 2014 Thanos witnesses the death of his 2019 self and proclaims, “And that is destiny”, choosing to embrace this vision when 2014 Thanos travels into 2019, where his last words are: “I am inevitable.”

What did Thanos say about humanity?

Thanos : When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be... I hope they remember you.

What is the moral of Avengers Infinity War?


The Avengers: Infinity War shows how one team is better than one person. The superheroes all came together with one purpose in mind- to save the universe. They worked together, putting their respective differences and egos aside to accomplish a common goal.

What is the lesson in Avengers?

10 Stand Up For What You Believe In

Many of the other Avengers feel the same and will always fight for what they believe is right. This strong belief in doing the right thing and fighting for it, even when it's hard, is definitely a good life lesson.

Why did Thanos want to destroy the world?

Thanos is a Titan, and he watched his home world die due to a lack of natural resources. There were too many people, but not enough food to feed everyone. His solution was simple, fair and brutal: He would kill half the population by random drawing.

Why does Thanos respect Stark?

Thanos respects Stark for his courage & determination. Despite being a mere human he tried his best until the very end to stop Thanos & protect the world.

Was Thanos a good guy?

GOOD - His Actions Were Selfless

As already established, Thanos' bad deeds were done for a pretty selfless reason. He wasn't blindly murdering people out of anger or spite, but because he genuinely believed he was doing something good for the world.

What is Thanos theory?

Thanos became known as the “Mad Titan”, and a fan theory suggests he was literally mad. A theory posted on Reddit (via Inverse) suggests Thanos, like Thena, was afflicted with Mahd Wy'ry, so his idea of overpopulation ending planets was rooted in witnessing various Emergences through the years.

What does Thanos say when he snaps his fingers in endgame?

"You're Strong, But I Could Snap My Fingers And You'd All Cease To Exist." A powerful harbinger of the pain that would come in Avengers: Endgame, this quote from Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War shows that the Mad Titan is not one to mince words.

What is Thanos based on?

Born on Saturn's moon Titan, Thanos has always been a space-based foe of Earth's superheroes, belonging to a powerful, genetically engineered offshoot of the human race known as the Eternals.

What can we learn from Thanos?

As a leader, making tough decisions must be made and living with its consequences, he gracious did with shear pride. Among the many lessons was his ability to be ready to evolve or adapt. Thanos was a world-conqueror and being one is no mean fit which must very much involve a lot of change.

Is Thanos moral?

Regardless of how ill-conceived his plan was, at the crux of it is a desire to minimize suffering on a massive scale. One could say that Thanos acted on a maximizing principle that sought to minimize suffering. This roughly falls under the purview of a normative ethical position called negative utilitarianism (NU).

Why is Thanos right?

In effect, the Flag-Smashers tacitly agreed that "Thanos Was Right" because the Mad Titan's core belief that eliminating half of society would strengthen the remaining half turned out to be true, at least in the point of view of a segment of the survivors.

What was Nick Fury's message at the end of Infinity War?

Fury managed to send a message via pager to Captain Marvel, which resulted in one giant elephant in the room for the Marvel Cinematic Universe: If Fury had the ability to contact Captain Marvel this whole time, why didn't he do so every time earth was threatened?

Why did Thanos snap?

Thanos simply taunted him, saying that Thor should have aimed for his head to ensure his swift death. Recovering from his injury, Thanos, much to Thor's horror, snapped his fingers to activate the Infinity Gauntlet then passed out.

Does Thanos poop?

The Avengers and Ant-Man don't know exactly how Titanian physiology works, and Thanos especially, as a corrupted and powerful being, may indeed have 'powerful poop.

Who is the strongest Avenger?

1 Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff

That was enough to consider her near the top but Wanda Maximoff, known as Scarlet Witch, is the officially most powerful Avenger now.

Why did Thanos say I am inevitable?

The Theory — Redditor u/thecircularblue posits that Thanos' most famous catchphrase, “I am inevitable,” isn't just a grandiose statement akin to “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” It's actually a reference to the Bible in disguise.
