The Walking Dead: Dead City Finale Recap 07/23/23: Season 1 Episode 6 Doma Smo

Tonight on AMC our favorite show The Walking Dead: Dead City air and we have the all-new Sunday, July 23, 2023, episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City recap below.

On tonight’s The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1, Episode 6 finale called, “Doma Smo,” as per the AMC synopsis, “Tensions between Maggie and Negan come to a head; Ginny’s search continues; questions arise around Armstrong’s path forward.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The Walking Dead: Dead City recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Walking Dead recaps, spoilers, news, and more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Ginny, she reveals herself to Negan who is very happy to see her and runs to hug her. Maggie sees Ginny, she tells Negan that Ginny just wants to be with him, but he doesn’t want her there, he can’t protect her and help Maggie get Herschel.

Gaius is also there and offers to take Ginny elsewhere, somewhere safe. Negan tells Ginny that she is going to go with Gaius, she doesn’t want to stay with him, she doesn’t know him, he is not who she thinks he is. She starts talking and he says no, all these months and now she wants to talk. He tells her that he killed her dad and he is wanted for robbing a wagon train, he killed five of them and one of them was her father. He let her tag along because he knew she had nobody, she was just a debt he had to pay, that is it. Ginny runs off with Gaius.

Negan and Maggie walk off, you can hear walkers in the distance.

Gaius and Ginny make it to the water and set off. Elsewhere, Negan looks visibly distraught, Maggie tells him that he should sleep but he says he is good, and he would rather keep watch with her. Maggie tells him that she knows what he did to Ginny was not easy.

She tells him a story about when she was little, she crawled into bed with her mom when she was sick, and she would tell her about Santa and the Macy’s store in Manhattan. She used to daydream that she would go to NY and become best friends with Santa, and he would fix or replace all her broken toys. They hear tires squealing, its go time.

Negan and Maggie make their way down to the street, they are walking past buildings to shipping loading dock area, there is smoke coming from the building. They head inside and up the stairs. Negan asks Maggie if she knows what Ginny was trying to tell him, she says no.

He looks deep into her eyes and senses something is off. Maggie tries to attack Negan, he makes a run for it, when he sees her coming after him, he climbs off a balcony where there are dozens of walkers below. They both arrive at the same platform and he tells her they don’t have to do this, but she plunges forward with a knife. He tells her to stop, but again she plunges with a knife.

She manages to stab him in the shoulder, then he kicks her off the platform to a lower level down near the water. Negan jumps down after her, he has a knife and quickly gets it to her throat and tells her to drop her knife. He says Croat didn’t want Hershel, he wants him and for what, he has no idea, and he knows together they could have saved Hershel because together they make one heck of a bad ass team. He knows she can’t get over the fact that he killed Glen, nor should she. He turns for a moment, people are coming, and it is enough time for her to grab the knife and put it to his throat.

Ginny arrives safely, Nina welcomes her home.

Negan is in an ambulance with Croat and, his men and Maggie. Croat talks about how he found Jerome, got him to talk, the story of the widow, Maggie, and he knew that she could help to get Negan for him. He just had to give Maggie a little push, he never thought she could pull it off.

They arrive at a bank and are down in the vault. Negan has a moment with Maggie and asks her to look after Ginny that is all he asks. Herschel comes out of the vault, Negan walks in and passes him, says it is good to see him. Maggie rushes to Hershel and hugs him.

Gaius leaves Ginny and stops to look at three walkers that were hung from a pole, he is just arriving in New Babylon. Once there, he tells people that he found Negan, he shot and killed him. He is offered a cigar to celebrate. The New Babylon leader doesn’t believe Gaius and tells him that she wants to know more about the methane.

Maggie and Herschel are in a truck, she tells him that she cannot imagine what he went through, he says he was fine, he felt safe. She tells him that she is glad that he is back. He says it looked like she was more obsessed with Negan. Her whole life he has been looking over his shoulder, she never sees him, she just wanted revenge on Negan.

Croat is with Negan, he reminisces about when they first met and Negan saw something in him, this was also the time that Negan started using Lucille. He says Negan taught him complete submission and they were untouchable, it was beautiful. Croat says it took him years to understand what happened between them, sure he killed the girl, Negan told him not to and he disobeyed him and that is when he became the threat, and that will never happen again.

Maggie tells Hershel she has been thinking about what he said, this thing with Negan, she has to finish it so she can just let it go.

Croat brings Negan into a theatre where a lot of people are sleeping, they walk through to some hallways and end up to where there is a door, Croat says he can’t wait for him to meet her, it is like his meeting his mom and dad. In the room there is a woman named Dama, Croat introduces her to Negan. Dama tells Croat that she wants time alone with Negan to get better acquainted. Croat obeys and leaves the room.

Dama tells Negan Croat is like a sponge. She tells him that she has heard a lot about him, shock and awe and all of that. She pours him a glass of brandy and he says he is a gin man. She opens her purse and shows him a cop badge. She says the island needs leadership, someone with special political talent.

Negan sits down and asks her why he would help her. She says there are others, as far as Harlem, they could recruit then, they would be unstoppable, and it would all be his. She wonders if he is the man he used to be, then she ads hands him a key.

The key opens a box, inside there is a toe. She says her former guest told her about the man who killed his father, in front of his mother and him, the unborn baby in his mother’s belly, and he thinks the man might be remorseful. Hershel told her all this once he felt safe with her, and here Negan came all this way to save the boy. Dama exchanged Herschel for Negan and only took a little piece, but she could always go back for more if Negan doesn’t do what she wants him to do.

