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One Punch Man Chapter 169: Spoilers, Release Date, Full Summary, Reddit, Twitter, Details & More:- So after 7 years, nearly eight years at this point, Garou has finally fully been defeated. But the Arc isn’t over yet, believe it or not, Murata tweeted that the next chapter is going to be the end of the monster Association slash Garou. Our but Garou plight here, just him being the hero Hunter, which started I think of like chapter 40, like over seven years ago is finally over.

And I think we got a pretty satisfying conclusion. It took some elements of the original webcomic version and course remixed him and improved upon some aspects as the manga typically does. And I overall just really enjoyed this chapter.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Spoilers Leaked on Reddit & Twitter

 But first, let me just shout out to the team that was able to give us the translations, they were actually down a few members, but I think that they were still gonna pull through and get it out in a reasonable amount of time. So thank you, guys. But anyway, opening up in the chapter, here we see Garous, successfully being defeated by the zero punch from cytomx.

This was the result of  Saitama successfully traveling backward in time and hitting Garou with a punch that was so incredibly overpowered because the cytomx that came from the future was way more powerful than the cytomx. That was in the past timeline because Garou had pushed him to become that strong.

Hey, also, guys, if you liked my One Punch Man content, please subscribe if you haven’t already fine if you don’t want to. But if you just need a reminder, here you go. But Tama essentially knocked the god power out of Garou here, and I’m not sure how strong Garou is at this point, or what’s going on with them. Like, is he kind of monster FIDE still? Or is he just a full-blown human at this point, it remains to be seen, but I’m going to assume that it’s more so the ladder at this point, we see all of like the angered heroes surrounding him.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Release Date/Time

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And this is just a satisfying sequence because these are like the heroes that Garou had as heroes hunted throughout the story. Like we see the tank toppers here. They were actually like one of his first victims. And now they’re all like finally getting revenge on him. Even though it’s not doing anything. It’s still just I don’t know, for some reason I liked this anyway, say Thomas shows the future core to Genesis and Genesis can immediately identify that it’s from the future. This is of course because in the original timeline that  Saitama came from Garou ripped it out of Genoese, and  Saitama has held on to it the whole time making sure that it was kept safe. And when he successfully went back in time, he still had it with him in Genesis immediately hooking up like one of his cables to the core.

 And he’s able to recount pretty much everything that happened in the future timeline, basically, chapters 166 to chapter 168. And we talked about this, but I also think that this core is important for multiple reasons, because on the surface, it seems like it’s probably going to be the catalyst for some kind of power with Genoese him having two quarters now or something like that. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this at least recorded data up until it was ripped out of Janos.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 – How Strong is Saitama?

Meaning that it could be aware of what happened at least up until that point, which is something that technically Saitama right now shouldn’t be aware of. Now, at that time, I thought that the core was going to be recording information, of course, but I didn’t expect it to be able to record everything even after it was ripped out of genomes, because at that point, it was kind of just by itself, and it wasn’t hooked up to anything. So why was it still like recording everything somehow?

I mean, I’m not gonna question it too much. It is what it is. And it’s better this way that Janos is aware of everything that happened not just up until the point of it being pulled out. Hey, real quick, guys, I just want to talk about gamer subs for a second because I’m a big fan of this stuff, they just dropped a new flavor called combos, guilty pleasure, which is just a green tea flavor, and it’s also in collaboration with coho Shibuya. But I’ve also been drinking peach tea and strawberry lemonade. And this stuff just makes working so much easier. Like I’ve been drinking this stuff instead of coffee.

And I just love it so much. So if you’re interested in getting some gamer’s cups of your own, check out the link in the description or just use code big Z on the gamer subs website. Thanks, guys. But now genomes are pretty much aware of everything that happened and he’s able to make sense of the time travel for the most part and we get this massive exposition dump which is like classic genomes.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Release Time, Reddit, Twitter, Date Schedule & More

So basically what he’s saying in his dump here is that cytomx A traveling from the future does indeed like create multiple timelines or as he says parallel worlds. This is something that we’ve been talking about for the last couple of weeks as well because this is realistically the only way that this could work. Saitama left one timeline which is technically like another universe to go back to a point in the past which is technically another universe. It’s not like one single timeline the way that it works in Terminator.

It’s more like Avengers endgame rules, but wrapping this up gentleman says, or at least this is the way that I interpret it that this was always going to happen essentially or at least Saitama would always find a way to save everyone. Even if everyone were to die Saitama would still transcend and manipulate the laws of causality, which goes back to the previous chapter after Saitama punches Garou coming back from the future it says the reversal of causality is unavoidable essentially meaning that this is always going to happen.

 So going back to Avengers, you can kind of think about it like how Dr. Strange had to go through all those different timelines to see which ones Thanos didn’t win and wound up being like, I don’t know, 14 million something timelines where Thanos always wins, but there’s only one where he does well, in this case, there are no timelines in which Saitama doesn’t win here, not even one. That’s how ridiculous Saitama is, essentially, this goes in one year of Saitama. and out the other, like this is, you know, typical Saitama he doesn’t care even as crazy and fantastical as this is and what he’s technically been through, it’s still just like, Ah, you’re kind of talking too much.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Wikipedia Manga

But the important thing here is that Janos is aware of it. And also the core has this information recorded on it because I don’t think this is going to be the end of this stuff. The information on the core is for sure going to come back later on. In my opinion, drive Knight and the organization may be going to get this core and or the information but let me just clarify that I don’t think it’s guaranteed that they’re going to get their hands on this information. And even if they do, I’m not saying that Drive Knight is going to like a travel back in time or something. But something will come of this information in the future for sure.

But anyway, going further, we see Tareo will get, of course, we saw in the future timeline that he winds up dying from exposure to Garou cosmic radiation. But now that you know Garou has been taken out before he was able to release another vid, he’s alive now. But he also sees like this time ghost of Garou here, you can make this what you want. It’s kind of just like a fragment of Garou transcending space and time or something. This is like, you know, the true Garou I guess you could say that the future Garou winds up sacrificing himself for the greater good teaching Saitama how to go back in time.

 But this is just like the last bit of sentience that. I guess that Garou had just seen that he ultimately wound up saving Tareo and that everything he did wasn’t for naught. And after this, we see that the current Garou has just come to terms with losing here because it says perhaps. It was just because of everything that had been set up by his future self. However, Garou had no way of knowing that he doesn’t.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Recap [Ending Explained]

But just the way that this is like working here, the two personalities of the Garou was kind of like sync up in a way and he’s subconsciously able to realize that like, oh, this was kind of supposed to happen, even though he’s not aware of it, but he is aware of it. So then we get to the point where the heroes are kind of debating on what they should do with Garou. Some of course want to execute him like my mask and some don’t like metal that we saw metal bat teamed up with Garou earlier on in this art when Garou was like a full Baby Face mode and they kind of had a little bromance going on so it’s understandable that he doesn’t want to you know, straight up execute him and you know.

My mask is my mask so completely understandable that he would but then we see St. Saitama say who took down Garou oh, by the way, it was a blast and flashy flash says it seemed like a naked man appeared out of nowhere and defeated Garou with one punch then flew away. That pattern of movement does seem like something out of blast’s playbook. And then second guards like you’re seeing blasts helped out and why naked. So this answers our question of who was going to take credit for taking down Garou and I assumed that it wasn’t going to be Saitama Of course.

It’s way too early on in the story for everyone to acknowledge Him to be the one above all. I knew that him being naked, delivering the punch was going to have something to do with that because you know. Once they fuse, he wound up having close again, despite the crotch being. But it turns out, it’s a blast, it’s going to be taking the credit here, which is you know, cool sets up the electronic blast going further, but also blast not showing up in this chapter.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Cast and crew

And I expected him to but I guess he’s gonna show up in the next chapter because. I want to see how he reacts to all of this time travel stuff and even if he’s aware of it. And also he still needs to, like deliver exposition to if not Saitama just somebody then zombie mankind of steps up to Garou everyone’s beating him and he’s like, there’s no way a human can gain that much power just through monster ideation. Are you sure there wasn’t another source of power that was using you as a catalyst for example?

God or something like that one of the enemies Kadri showed similar signs of course talking about the homeless Emperor here when zombie man was eventually able to defeat homeless Emperor he got enough information out of him to know that God gave him powers pretty much but as soon as he started saying that God killed him and you know, considering what Garou was able to do, they were kind of similar to the energy manipulation that’s homeless emperor was able to do so he kind of put to do together it’s like, oh, you’re probably getting God’s power, which he’s right about but of course, God was playing it off acting as you know.

One Punch Man Massive Reveal

That was all just me even though Garou knows for sure that it was God that gave her powers because he tells the audience in Saitama that in the previous chapters Garou, just you know, being Garou here, he’s pretty much just asking them to kill him like he’s at his wit’s end here. He’s just lost everything essentially. But before my mask can kill them. Tareo comes in and he grabs him by the leg.

He’s like, uncle is a real hero, save me a bunch of times. Hurry up and run uncle. We see like all of the heroes deliberating here on what they should do with Garou and then King steps in and he puts his king engine on maximum output. We haven’t seen this before, and he just conqueror hotkeys, everyone out of the way, he even shuts up on my mask here. Like I just love this sequence.

I’m such a sucker for like King moments and then bang steps up, and he’s like, I won’t let you throw your life away so easily. If you’ve caused harm to people, then you must make up for it 10 times over 100 times over by saving others. And Saitama says that’s what absolute evil is best at right courses about before all of the cosmic Garou stuff when Saitama was originally going against like the Gargoyle, the S Garou.

Despite everything that Garou was doing, trying to be the absolute evil to try to like feed Saitama And he just wound up helping people going back to what bang is saying here. I think this does mean that Garou will eventually become a hero to some degree I don’t think he’s going to join the Hero Association or whatever and like become an S-class hero, but he’s kind of going to do his own thing.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Episodes

Like he’ll for sure be like a full-blown anti-hero rather than just like an anti-villain he’s probably going to become something like the Punisher or something. But after this Garou can sprint away and he just successfully makes it out of there in Genesis as he’ll probably be a repeat offender and Saitama is like Nah, he’ll be fine, we should just leave the rest up to the old man. So I think this means that eventually, we are going to see Garou and bang reconciled like at some point in the story may be in you know.

The last big arc or big saga, I think that they are going to come together and bang is going to give Garou his final training or something like that. But anyway, at the end of the chapter, we see the metal night come out of nowhere and he has like an entire army of robots with and he’s like the ship I design caught a nuclear blast I will now begin to disposal of the fallout and an analytical investigation of the attack all of you suffering from acute radiation poisoning, there will be mandatory testing and decontamination procedures at the lab for everyone.

This is amazing. I’m a big fan of the metal night. And this is just part of the course for him because he showed up at the end of the borderless arc and kind of just like cleaned up after everyone was done. And it’s also funny because he was like super opposed to reading the monster’s meditation in the first place. He just wanted to bomb the whole thing and not even you know, send anyone physically there. But the fact that he’s showing up is you know better late than never because he’s also taken care of the nuclear fallout here, which is like kind of a big deal.

One Punch Man Chapter 169 Wiki, Details & Hidden Facts

 After all, Garou did launch a bunch of nuclear fission fists, which were like the equivalent of nuclear bombs going off and he did fire gamma-ray bursts. This all still happened in this timeline. Like Saitama came back after he was hit by the gamma-ray bursts to the fact that metal night is cleaning this up as I said is important. And also he’s helping everybody who was affected by the radiation poisoning which is super important as well.

I’m hoping this changes some of your minds on everyone so keen on the metal night being a trader here because driving it doing this drive night pieced out remember he left as soon as he got what he wanted even leaving Genoese to die after like draining him. So come on guys, metal nights are a good guy. And then at the very end of the chapter, we see Saitama sad and he’s like for now Janos.

Let’s just have Santa fix up your arms and legs, then we can start looking for what’s left of our apartment. Because you know, throughout this battle, most of the city has been destroyed, including St. Saitama’s apartment, and that’s going to be an essential aspect of the story going further at least with Saitama But yeah, that’s pretty much here for the article. Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments. And if you liked it, please give it a like, and please subscribe if you haven’t already. Have a great day and I’ll see you the next one.

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