Nashville Sh00ters Autopsy: Authorities Reveal What Was Found in Her Reports

Officials said that 28-year-old ex-student Audrey Hale planned the attἀck that resulted in the deἀths of six individuals on Monday, March 27, 2023 at Covenant School.

A squad of five police officers responded to the sound of gμnfire by descending to the second level, where they sh0t and kἰlled the suspect. After that autopsy report of the sh00ter revealed, read out what was found in the reports.

What Was Found in Nashville Shooter’s Autopsy Report?

Questions about the sh00ter who kἰlled so many people at Nashville, Tennessee’s Covenant School have been clarified by new autopsy records.

The records were able to get hold of on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 go into depth about the fἀtal injμries Audrey Hale suffered when armed police officers responded to the March 27 atrocity.

Additionally, the autopsy report confirms Hale’s gender identity. Tom Elliott shared a Tweet related to her gender:

VIDEO: Nashville police chief confirms Audrey Hale identifies as transgender, suggests her trans identify motivated the killings: “We have a manifesto … and a map of how all of this was going to play out.”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 27, 2023

Davidson County Medical Examiner Feng Li said:

“The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished 5 foot 2 inch, 119-1/2 pound phenotypic female.”

After committing a mἀssacre in March in which three small children and three Covenant school staff members perἰshed, Hale was sh0t four times and camera video from the officers was made public.

According to the study, Hale was dressed in a white shirt with handwritten words, drawings and numbers on it, a pink brἀ with a similar pattern and a black tactical vest. According to a toxicologist’s analysis that was part of the autopsy, the mμrderer was sober at the time of the attἀck in March.

Some have referred to the sh00ting spree as an anti-Christian hate crἰme due to Hale’s trἀnsgender status and the Covenant School’s Christian ties. Hale had gone to the school when he was younger.

Hale wrote a “manifesto” which at the option of law enforcement is kept out of the public’s view. Litigation over the document’s distribution is still going on as of Friday, June 16.

Actress Melissa Joan Hart claims she aided children in fleeing the scene of Monday’s, March 27, 2023, h0rrific school sh00ting in Nashville. Know more about what she said related to the incident:

Note: As of yet we know that much about her autopsy report. When we get the latest information we will share it with you. If you have any information related to her you can share it with us in the comments section below.

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