Is it better to bury or cremate?

Cremation Vs Burial

Direct cremations are more cost-effective than direct burials as they do not require embalming. Plus, you have the option of keeping the body in a alternative container instead of a casket. Cremation is a simpler process that also helps save ground space, but it is not so in case of burial.

Is the Bible against cremation?

The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Nevertheless, many Christians believe that their bodies would be ineligible for resurrection if they are cremated. This argument, though, is refuted by others on the basis of the fact that the body still decomposes over time after burial.

Is burial better than cremated?

Direct cremations are more cost effective than direct burials, as they do not require embalming. In addition, you have the option of keeping the body in an alternative container instead of a coffin. Cremation is a simpler process that also helps save floor space, unlike in the case of a burial.

Is it better to be buried or burned?

Although cremation is more eco-friendly than burial, cremations burn much natural gas (a temperature of to 750 to 800 degrees must be maintained for 45 to 90 minutes) releasing greenhouse gases and vaporising other chemicals that may be present in the body such as mercury (dental fillings) and dioxins and furans.

Which part of human body does not burn in fire?

Quite often the peripheral bones of the hands and feet will not be burned to such a high intensity as those at the centre of the body, where most fat is located.

Cremation vs Burial: The Pros and Cons You Need to Know to Make an Informed Decision

Why do we bury the dead instead of cremate?

The most popular belief however is that people buried bodies because dead bodies decay. People saw that the best way to deal with the smell of the decaying body was to bury the body. It was easy to dig a hole in the ground and bury the body to prevent the smell from disturbing the community.

What are the disadvantages of cremation?

Disadvantages of Cremation

  • A cremation does not allow for a permanent installation for memorial and mourning. ...
  • Cremations are frowned upon in some religious circles by the church.
  • Crematoriums release a considerable amount of CO2 and pollution into the atmosphere.

Does the body feel pain during cremation?

When someone dies, they don't feel things anymore, so they don't feel any pain at all.” If they ask what cremation means, you can explain that they are put in a very warm room where their body is turned into soft ashes—and again, emphasize that it is a peaceful, painless process.

What religion does not believe in cremation?

Orthodox and Conservative Judaism strongly oppose cremation, citing that a traditional burial is the only acceptable option. Today, many Liberal and Reformed Jewish churches are more accepting of cremation.

Why do they cover the legs in a casket?

Tradition, Region and Culture

Many people choose a casket that covers their loved one's legs simply because that's how it's usually done in their country.

Is it a sin to keep ashes at home?

Overall, unless your religion bans cremation, or you are Catholic, you are fine to keep your loved one's ashes at home with you.

Do Christians believe in cremation?

For most Christians today, the question of cremation is largely left to individual discretion. Many Christians choose cremation as an alternative to burial, while still retaining those aspects of their traditional funeral practices that allow them to honor the lives of their loved ones and glorify God.

Can you be cremated and still go to heaven?

People who have been cremated can certainly go to Heaven.

What does the Bible say about keeping ashes?

There is no Biblical precedent for cremation. Ultimately, it depends on the personal wishes of the deceased or, if no wishes were left, the feelings and preferences of those making decisions for their final arrangements. If you decide to cremate and scatter ashes, nothing in the Bible prohibits you from doing so.

Can you be reincarnated if you are cremated?

However, if you believe that the souls of the dead will come back to life, then that bone being destroyed in cremation does not influence “spiritual reincarnation.”

Do they drain your blood before cremation?

15. Is a body drained before cremation? Draining a body of fluids does not happen before cremation. If a body is embalmed before cremation, the bodily fluids are exchanged (drained, and then replaced) with chemicals during the embalming process.

Do human ashes smell?

Most people who keep the ashes of a departed human or pet loved one at home say they detect no odor from the cremains. A few respondents indicated a very slight metallic odor or a very slight scent of incense. Your experience of keeping cremains at home may vary, depending on the type of container you choose.

How long does it take to cremate a body?

The process takes anywhere between three to four hours depending on the power of the retort and the mass of the body inserted. After this step is completed, the cremated bones will come out of the retort and then be processed.

What is God's view on cremation?

Since the Bible does not ban nor promote cremation, most Christian denominations do not consider cremation to be sinful. The Catholic church, however, held an opposing view for many years.

Why is being buried better?

Advantages of Burial:

Provides a gravesite for family and friends to visit. Considered a more natural method by some. Required by some religions. The body can be exhumed if necessary.

What are the pros and cons of being cremated?

Both options have their advantages and drawbacks.

  • Cremation Pros and Cons.
  • PRO: It's less expensive. ...
  • PRO: It's more flexible. ...
  • PRO: It's portable. ...
  • PRO: You can put the deceased to rest anywhere. ...
  • CON: Cremations aren't available everywhere. ...
  • CON: Agreement is more difficult. ...
  • PRO: Burials are more widely acceptable.

Why do bodies get buried 6 feet under?

To Prevent the Spread of Disease

People have not always understood how diseases spread. During disease outbreaks, they may have feared that bodies could transmit disease. Still, this may be one of the reasons why people thought bodies should be buried 6 feet deep.

What religion is cremation more important than burial?


One religion that strongly encourages cremation is Hinduism. According to Hindu beliefs, cremation not only helps with the disposal of physical remains but also aides in ushering the soul of the deceased into the hereafter for its reincarnation/rebirth.

Why do we bury the dead six feet under?

Medical schools in the early 1800s bought cadavers for anatomical study and dissection, and some people supplied the demand by digging up fresh corpses. Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies.

Does everyone automatically go to Heaven?

Many people speak as if everyone will make it to heaven. There is a prevailing though that all you have to do is be born, and then die, and you will be admitted to into paradise. A popular Christian pastor and author declared a few years back that love wins in the end, and that no one actually goes to hell.
