Aaron Rodgers is apparently furious that the NFL revealed his lack of vaccination

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Is anyone else still really curious about what kind of holistic Goop-type stickers-for-Covid immunization Aaron Rodgers received? I’m still thinking about it. This week, the Green Bay Packers announced that Rodgers was benched and in quarantine following a positive Covid test. Then the cat was out of the bag: despite claiming to the sports media that he was “immunized” for Covid, Rodgers has not gotten any of the Covid vaccines. In fact, he tried to persuade the NFL to accept his hokey tree-bark Covid immunization for months only the NFL was like “bruh, NO.” Rodgers was walking around unmasked a lot, he lied to journalists, he put the Packers’ season in a terrible place, and I can only imagine his teammates are pretty mad too. Guess who else is mad? Aaron Rodgers. He’s apparently “furious” that everyone now knows he’s a liar and a moron. Per Pro Football Talk:

We haven’t heard from Aaron Rodgers about the fact that he lied about being vaccinated and ultimately was outed as being unvaccinated. When we do, we may hear about his frustration with the process that culminated in his ruse being exposed.

Per a league source (the same one who tried to tell me on October 5 that Rodgers wasn’t vaccinated), Rodgers is “furious” over the fact that his true status was leaked. Given his propensity to complain about the manner in which he’s treated by the media, it’s safe to wonder whether he’ll complain about the fact that NFL Media reported his status, despite his clear desire to hide it — and his ability to do it for weeks.

The league doesn’t disclose the names of players who are and aren’t vaccinated. However, portions of the daily transaction report often can be cross-referenced to determine that a player was placed on COVID reserve for being in close contact with an infected person. Since only the unvaccinated can be placed on COVID reserve as close contacts, that’s one way to identify unvaccinated players.

Another way, of course, comes from the player wearing a mask in certain settings. But Rodgers consistently did not wear a mask when in the public eye, even in circumstances when he should have. That also helped him hide the truth.

[From ProFootballTalk]

Imagine lying your ass off, putting your teammates, team employees and journalists at risk of being infected with a career-ending or life-ending virus and then being mad about the fact that you’re too stupid to get the g–damn vaccine. Of course Rodgers wanted to keep his lack of vaccination status hidden – his whole image is built on the idea that he’s “the smart quarterback,” the good guy, the honest, hard-working guy. All of that is dead in the water. Now he’ll forever be the guy who lied about being “immunized” because he thought horse dewormer and tree bark was preventative Covid care.

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Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.
